
Eliminate Facial Redness and Flushing

What is Rosacea?

Rosacea is a common skin disease that frequently begins with a tendency to flush or blush easily. As rosacea progresses, people often develop persistent redness and acne-like bumps in the center of the face. This redness may gradually spread beyond the nose and cheeks to the forehead and chin.

Over time, the symptoms of rosacea tend to become more noticeable. The redness becomes permanent and your skin is more easily irritated by something as simple as water. Research suggests that rosacea tends to run in families who have previously encountered rosacea or severe acne.

Receiving the appropriate dermatological treatment for rosacea helps maintain discomfort, control redness, reduce acne-like breakouts and diminish the reddish-purple veins caused by rosacea. Working with Paloma Dermatology to treat rosacea does more than just improve the visible symptoms, but increases your overall quality of life by giving you confidence in your skin.

There are many treatment options for rosacea that we provide at Paloma Dermatology, and we will work with you to find the best option. With all of the treatments we offer, we will educate you on various triggers that can cause rosacea flares and help you not just treat your symptoms, but work to keep them from returning in the future.

Rosacea treatment in Tucson
Ready to Get Started?

Contact Paloma Dermatology today for a rosacea treatment consultation tailored to your needs.

Woman after Rosacea treatment
Get In Touch

Paloma Dermatology

Phone: 520-308-5047

Fax: 520-308-5274


6127 N. La Cholla Blvd, Ste. 175
Tucson, AZ 85741
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